Breakout: Transportation Development and Urban Governance

12:00-12:50am Aldrich Room 111

Transportation infrastructure frequently finds itself at the intersection of development and urban governance. Join experts in discussing how this unique sector brings together leaders in infrastructure and local/national departments of transportation support to connect communities and expand urbanization. This panel will cover public-private partnerships, government investment in infrastructure, and the development of roads, bridges, railways, and more.


Daniel Andres de Riva

Director of Real Estate and Facilities Redevelopment | MBTA

Daniel Andres is passionate about the economic development of cities and revitalizing communities through innovations in urban development and real estate. He combines creative thinking from architecture, quantitative acumen from real estate finance, and problem solving from the public policy domain, leveraging his interdisciplinary skills to address challenges that affect communities across America.

Christine Mizioch

Vice President | AI Engineers

Christine Mizioch is a Vice President at AI Engineers. She is a Lead Operations Manager in the Boston Office where she oversees all business development and client relations in Massachusetts & the Greater New England Region.

With over 28 years of experience in the transportation industry, Christine brings a vast array of project management experience working with public and private institutional clients. Her achievements include being Project Manager of MassDOT's Fast 14 project, one of the nation's most aggressive rapid replacement transportation construction projects. She also facilitated in developing the Design-Build Contracting Program at MassDOT. Christine's in-depth knowledge of the industry and its trends towards the P3 market has made her the company's institutional resource guide in alternative project delivery methods and innovative bridge construction technologies.